Thursday, September 24, 2009

Poem: Love

Love dances around the world.
A red soft dress swinging about her legs.
Attempting to draw happy and joyful couples together creating families.

Love reveals in many ages of life, as it all started since the beginning of the world, traveled through the Middle Ages, the Renaissance and now in the modern days. Before in the medieval times, love wasn’t really love therefore it was all planed and not formed by feelings. In the medieval times the women weren’t appreciated and as important to man as they were in the Renaissance, and the same happened with marriage. In the Renaissance the woman became more important and indeed beloved; love became involved into the matrimony which made stronger families. Now on days, love hasn’t changed much since the Renaissance and it could be noticed by comparing its characteristics, and you would see that they are almost the same, perhaps that’s why love was reborn in the 14th century from the Middle Ages.

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