Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Black Spot

1) I would cal this story "The Black Spot", because Tessie Hutchinson, was the one who got the paper with the black spot and that is when people started coming in on her with stones.

2) Well, I thought that Mrs. Hutchinson was going to win the lottery because she asked for a re-draw, and this is one of the clues that led me to think that the story was going to be about a lottery.

3) I began asking my self questions like "Why can't you just tell us the rest of the story?" and "Why do I have to wait until 5 pm to read what's inside?", and I also felt confused.

4) I felt confused about why did the paper have a black spot, and I felt the tension to look inside. I thought that there was another story in it, I didn't think that there would be questions like the ones I'm answering right now. I honestly didn't follow the instructions because of the tension that I felt, since the paper was so mysterious.

5) I felt confusion and tension, because it was sort of random having a black box full of papers that were either blank or with a black dot on it, and the fact that it said that we couldn't open it until 5 pm.

6) When I read the rest of the story I felt uncomfortable because the story wasn't the way I expected it to be.

7) Unfortunately my predictions weren't correct. I felt sort of disappointment about the fact that my predictions weren't correct, because there were some pieces of information in the story that really drew me towards my prediction.

8) I think that one thing that could have helped me would have been if there was actually a part where they mention that the black spot was bad in some way.

9) The author probably left those voids in the story to get us, the readers, to ask questions about why there was no title and why it wasn't that clear what the story was about. The author also left the voids in the story to give tension to it, and to give the reader and confused and uncomfortable feeling.

10) a-. Gets people to ask questions.
b-. Gives tension, and anxiety because you really want to know what the ending is.
c-. Makes the reader confused about the story.
d-. The mystery paper added tension and got people asking about what would happen for the people who got the black spot.
e-. The delayed ending added tension and really made me want to know what the ending was, and i couldn't wait.

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